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Programming in CSharp Download Programming in CSharp E-Book
CSharp is designed for the .NET framework. The .NET framework is object oriented. CSharp has a great set of tools for the object oriented programmer. CSharp is standardised as ECMA-334 by ECMA International and as ISO/IEC 23270 by ISO/IEC. CSharp is the first component oriented language in the C/C++ family.
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C# Programming Tutorial Download C# Programming Tutorial E-Book
The best way to learn this is by practicing. Make sure you write all the examples yourself and test them, and that you do the tasks that I have put at the end. The tasks at the end will probably help you the most to get used to C#.
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Introduction to C# Download Introduction to C# E-Book
Really new (compared to Java),Reference and output parameters,Objects on the stack (structs),Rectangular arrays,Enumerations,Unified type system,goto,Versioning
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C# Tutorial Download C# Tutorial E-Book
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Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# Download Data Structures and Algorithms   with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# E-Book
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
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C# School Download C# School E-Book
The information of this book is distributed on an "as is" basis without warranty .although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work neither the authors nor Synchron data shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused.
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Phidgets in C# Download Phidgets in C# E-Book
The first three chapters introduce Phidgets. Chapter 1 briefly explains what Phidgets are. Chapter 2 gives several ‘getting started’ examples that illustrate how easy it is to program Phidgets. Chapter 3 introduces concepts that are common to all phidgets. Chapter 4 shows you how to use Phidget Skins, which are a graphical interface to phidgets that you can use in a program with no coding.
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Simple C# Tutorial Download Simple C# Tutorial E-Book
.NET (dot-net) is the name Microsoft gives to its general vision of the future of computing, the view being of a world in which many applications run in a distributed manner across the Internet.
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Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop Download Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop E-Book
This book is about sharing our experience in building real applications using .NET and C#. You will learn about desig n issues and decisions made, techniques and technologies used, as well as background information on features of SharpDevelop that you won't usually find in everyday applications.
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OOP with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step Download OOP with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step E-Book
Microsoft Visual Basic developers have long clamored for complete objectoriented language support. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET supports all the features of an object- oriented language. In addition, the entire Microsoft .NET Framework, which includes the development support for Microsoft Windows applications, Web applications, Web services, graphics, and data access, is designed according to object-oriented principles. Developers who have a firm grasp of object-oriented principles will be the strongest .NET developers.
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