FAQ In Interviews: Page 13 of 15

What do you see as the proper role/mission of. .a good (job title you're seeking); .a good manager; .an executive in   serving the community; .a leading company in our industry; etc.

TRAPS : These and other "proper role" questions are designed to test your understanding of your place in the bigger picture of your department, company, community and profession..as well as the proper role each of these entities should play in its bigger picture.
The question is most frequently asked by the most thoughtful individuals and companies.or by those concerned that you're coming from a place with a radically different corporate culture (such as from a big government bureaucracy to an aggressive small company).
The most frequent mistake executives make in answering is simply not being prepared (seeming as if they've never giving any of this a though.).or in phrasing an answer best suited to their prior organization's culture instead of the hiring company's.

BEST ANSWER : Think of the most essential ingredients of success for each category above - your job title, your role as manager, your firm's role, etc.
Identify at least three but no more than six qualities you feel are most important to success in each role. Then commit your response to memory.
Here, again, the more information you've already drawn out about the greatest wants and needs of the interviewer, and the more homework you've done to identify the culture of the firm, the more on-target your answer will be.

 What would you say to your boss if he's crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?

TRAPS : This is another question that pits two values, in this case loyalty and honesty, against one another.

BEST ANSWER : Remember the rule stated earlier: In any conflict between values, always choose integrity.

Example: I believe that when evaluating anything, it's important to emphasize the positive. What do I like about this idea?"
"Then, if you have reservations, I certainly want to point them out, as specifically, objectively and factually as I can."
"After all, the most important thing I owe my boss is honesty. If he can't count on me for that, then everything else I may do or say could be questionable in his eyes."
"But I also want to express my thoughts in a constructive way. So my goal in this case would be to see if my boss and I could make his idea even stronger and more appealing, so that it effectively overcomes any initial reservation I or others may have about it."
"Of course, if he overrules me and says, 'no, let's do it my way,' then I owe him my full and enthusiastic support to make it work as best it can.

 How could you have improved your career progress?

TRAPS : This is another variation on the question, "If you could, how would you live your life over?" Remember, you're not going to fall for any such invitations to rewrite person history. You can't win if you do.

BEST ANSWER : You're generally quite happy with your career progress. Maybe, if you had known something earlier in life (impossible to know at the time, such as the booming growth in a branch in your industry.or the corporate downsizing that would phase out your last job), you might have moved in a certain direction sooner.
But all things considered, you take responsibility for where you are, how you've gotten there, where you are going.and you harbor no regrets.